Thursday, February 10, 2011

Elder Walker

I gave a blanket to my brother, Taylor, for Christmas. It says Elder Walker.

I have been waiting anxiously for months for Taylor to get his call...

And now he is going. Oaxaca, Mexico
better be prepared for Elder Walker!

Can I tell you about Taylor?

He is the boy in the crowd that is amusing.
Anyone will laugh at his silly notions and witty comments.
Taylor will probably tell you if you are being a fool. :)
But he will gladly open your door, buy you skittles, and always be your friend.

He has mastered a tide that was unexpected. Taylor defeated the torrent and is standing on firm ground. He is unshakable. I am SO proud of him. I admire who he is - and who he will be! Taylor is one of my closest friends. He is the one I called when I was having a terrible weekend. He packed up and drove two hours to Logan. We went bowling and ate ice cream.

I will miss him severely.

My little brother is amazing.


  1. My google reader hasn't told me that you have updated for a while. Unbelievable. But your brother is great. It is so fun to watch brothers grow, change, overcome challenges and then choose to serve the Lord. It is wonderful. I'm excited for Taylor! He'll be a great missionary.

  2. You're right. I am absolutely terrible at keeping a blog. It's always my goal to keep up on the thing...I promise I am going to be MUCH better...haha!! Yeah, I love watching our little brothers change and become something great. There's nothing like having a missionary in the family. I can't believe how the time is flying with Joseph. He's such an awesome missionary. I can't wait to talk to him after his mission!


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